Simulating Chromatograms
To use Virtual Column to simulate retention data and chromatograms, you first select the analysis parameters (analytes of interest, methodology, column, etc.). Virtual Column then calculates retention data for the selected parameters, and displays the resulting Resolution Response Surface and Virtual Chromatogram.*
Results obtained with Virtual Column are intended to represent typical results for a particular column type. Because no two columns or systems are identical, the results you obtain in an actual analysis may differ somewhat from the Virtual Column predictions.
Starting Virtual Column
In the Chromeleon Browser, select Virtual Column on the Tools menu.
You can open more than one Virtual Column window. |
Using Virtual Column (Overview)
Select an analyte category.
Select two or more analytes.
Select a column.
View the Resolution Response Surface (a plot of the lowest resolution values found at each eluent condition).
View the Virtual Chromatogram.
Right-click the Resolution Response Surface to select a different resolution criterion.
For details about how to use Virtual Column, refer to:
Selecting the Analysis Parameters
Viewing the Resolution Response Surface
Viewing the Virtual Chromatogram
Selecting a Resolution Criterion
Finding the Fastest Chromatogram
Selecting the Column Quality Assurance Conditions
Manually Selecting an Eluent Condition
Saving and Reloading Virtual Column Settings
Viewing the Eluent Composition
* Parts of the Virtual Column software were developed jointly by Dionex Corporation and the Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) at the University of Tasmania, Australia.